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Working with people fascinates me. I focus on inspiring them discover their own vision, and maximize their potential, in order to collectively build a future we desire and envision.
Before we reach wholeness, we need to develop our rational and intuitive sides. Each one complements and supports the other perfectly.
I’ve devoted myself to combining and bridging these two sides together. Along with my dental studies, I was trained in personal development, which much later came to be known as Coaching.
My coaching approach combines three worlds: science, entrepreneurship and personal development, leading to inner balance.
During my thirty-year career, I’ve adhered to such values as authenticity, excellence, empathy, and consistency, as my personal vehicle in search of the best version of myself. I realized the importance of projecting ourselves in all our authenticiy, of the discovery of our better selves, of empathy towards others, and of decision consistency. This is my life’s philosophy.
I came to soon recognize how self-observation and active interaction with others can create harmony. These are the catalysts in the doctor-patient relationship, bringing results that pure rationalism cannot achieve. This is what I strive to offer to my clients.
At the same time, health professionals are constantly faced with the challenging task of combining science and personal development. As a coach and mentor, I emphasize on developing skills that bring all diferent aspects together, with a view to the professional’s success, while staying true to their vision.
Our strength lies in never-ending evolution.